Jan. 30 - Feb. 3

What’s going on this week?
     We are finishing up with fractions for a while and headed into percentages, only about 30% of the students will be happy with that. How many students is that?

     We are reading the story “The Stormi Giovanni Club”.   It’s a play maybe you could read it together as a family.

     Still talking about those elements. Their names, symbols and atomic number. Big element test on Thursday.

Social Studies:
     Well the colonies are free and independent of England, now to set up a new government.

Jan. 23 - 27

What’s going on this week?
     We are reviewing the operations dealing with fractions.  Remember always in simplest form.
     We are reading the story “Exploding Ants”.   Ask your child about some of the interesting and sometimes gross things that some animals do.  And just what is honey?
     H, He, Au, and O not a new language check out the Periodic Table of Elements.  Where did these strange names come from?
Social Studies:
     Those British have done made us mad I think it’s time we do our own thing.